is duck meat unclean according to the Bible? | Radio Renacer tv

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miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

is duck meat unclean according to the Bible?

 is duck meat unclean according to the Bible?
Adventists believe that Leviticus 11:1-47 and Deuteronomy 14:3-21 present valid dietary laws for people of all ages. After all, both the body of the Israelites and the body of Christians, it is the "Temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor 3:16, 17; 6:19, 20), and should not be contaminated by the use of meat of animals that do not have a more complex digestive system and apt to eliminate all s toxins present in the organism.

However, when the matter is duck meat, the thing changes figure. Adventists are divided, and there is no consensus between them. To help in this discussion, I will transcribe an answer on the issue that was launched by the Adventist magazine in August 1955. (in Portuguese)

In the section titled "Question Box," The Adventist magazine responded to the question: "is the duck Unworld or Limpi?" (Lv 11:18 [and V. 19]) "In the following way:"

It does not seem to us that the passage in question includes the duck among the impure animals. Curiously, when the Swan is mentioned it does not say the passage "according to its species", as it is read in many other places. Therefore, there is not classified the duck as an unearthly animal. Moreover, the Jews, who are very scrupulous in the question of the filthy meats, do not abstain from the duck meat.

Those who have scruples will naturally abstain from that food, the more so much the more tasty and healthier a dish than that unsympathetic animal. On the other hand, we are very encouraged by the spirit of prophecy to completely abandon the use of meat, at least in places where there are many varied and nutritious foods. Feeding Carnivora, when there are better and first-hand foods, is increasingly condemned by medical science. Come on, brothers who have access to food better than meat, stop taking life away from innocent animals (often carriers of disgusting and contagious diseases), and eat more appetizing and healthy foods!.

Ellen White Use duck meat in Need

Brother Glover left the camp today to look for supplies. We're running short of supplies. [...] A young man from Nova Scotia had come hunting. I had a deer room. He had traveled 20 miles with this deer on his back. The rest of the deer left him hanging in the woods. He saw six moose, but he didn't try to shoot them, as he knew he couldn't take them. He gave us a small piece of meat, which we turned into broth. Willie shot a duck that came in a moment of need, as our supplies quickly decreased. — Manuscript releases, vol. 14 [Nos 1081-1135], p. 352

"Our supplies have been very low for a few days." Many of our supplies are gone ... We were expecting supplies three days ago, certainly, but none arrived. Willie went to the lake to fetch water. We heard his gun and found out he shot two ducks. "This is really a blessing, because we need something to live for." — Manuscript releases, vol. 7 [Nos 419-525], p. 346

The White family's habit of eating duck meat in emergencies, ten years after the first vision he had on health in 1863, shows that for Adventist pioneers, the duck was not considered impure, not in the same category as the Swan.
However, we know that the recommendation of the Spirit of prophecy is the abandonment of meat-based food consumption.

The meat was never the best food, but its use is now doubly inconvenient, as the number of cases of disease increases more and more among the animals. Those who eat meat and their derivatives don't know what they eat. Many times, if they had seen the animals alive and knew the quality of their flesh, they would reject it with disgust. It continually happens that people eat meat full of tuberculosis germs and cancer. This is how these diseases spread and others are also serious. — Councils for the church, p. 412

There is another quote that refers to Ellen White's experience when she ate duck meat. And here it is clarified that after that event, he had completely stopped eating meat.

A few weeks after the experience of eating duck in the Rocky Mountains in October 1873, Elder and Mrs. White were in California and she, on February 15, 1874, reported that, since they had been in that situation, they had left the meat completely. — Manuscript releases, vol. 7 [Nos 419-525], p. 346.6

It is advisable not to use this small post to fight those who think differently, but to instruct.


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